restore balance

美 [rɪˈstɔːr ˈbæləns]英 [rɪˈstɔː(r) ˈbæləns]
  • 恢复平衡能力
restore balancerestore balance
  1. Paul wrote to try to restore balance to the church .


  2. In addition , Yoga help regulate our organs and restore balance to the body .


  3. In the system the values of various currencies fluctuate to restore balance of payments equilibrium .


  4. Could humanity stop its destructive ways and restore balance to its relationship to its biosphere ?


  5. If so , real interest rates might need to decline sharply , to restore balance between investment and savings .


  6. Chinese Traditional Medicine can affect signal molecular groups through chemical molecular groups to restore balance of signal molecular networks to cure diseases .


  7. Such an approach will not only restore balance , but it will also allow you to move forward to a more fulfilling life .


  8. Only a fall in the price can hope to restore balance to the market , by boosting demand and restricting scrap supplies .


  9. In this last example , we can see that if we stay too long in an unbalanced situation , the universe acts to restore balance .


  10. Seek out peaceful and harmonious environments , relaxing music , and follow a healthful diet in order to restore balance and peace .


  11. Therefore , all CHI treatments and signature product range of massage and essential oils are designed to restore balance and re-energise the mind and body .


  12. The victim will get the psychological balance because of the punishment of the accused and the social order will be restore balance because of the resolving of the conflict .


  13. Take A Deep Breath If youre feeling overwhelmed or are coming out of a tense meeting and need to clear your head , a few minutes of deep breathing will restore balance .


  14. Cleansing palmarosa and cleavers extracts combined with sebum regulating alpine willowherb detoxify and restore balance to oil prone skin in this light , easily absorbed lotion .


  15. Following the exposure , corticosterone content gradually decreases , blood glucose showed a downward trend , to show that the body gradually adapt to the low oxygen environment , energy metabolism to restore balance at this time , and body for energy demand increases , and increased food intake .


  16. Your challenge is to restore the balance in personal relationships .


  17. A hug can restore the balance in our nervous system .


  18. To adjust the structure of food crops and restore the balance of carbon and nitrogen


  19. Instead , our major challenge is to contain public expenditure and restore fiscal balance .


  20. Red dates and longan tea helps to improve blood circulation and restore body balance .


  21. Incorporating pest-resistant genes into seeds can help restore the balance .


  22. The fourth step , compensation , is absolutely essential to restore the balance in the process of translation .


  23. It is not enough to restore ecological balance lakes just by controlling the entering loads of nutrition .


  24. Finally , the translator demands to restore the balance between the source-text and the target language .


  25. It is time to restore the balance with a sensible , multilateral policy which addresses a real threat .


  26. Sticking faithfully to our following three-part plan can restore your balance and make getting up easier .


  27. A minimalist lifestyle helps restore the balance .


  28. In his view the primacy of the ethical over the aesthetic mode was necessary to restore the balance .


  29. Whenever this delicate equilibrium is disrupted , the druid works to restore the balance .


  30. Find ways to stimulate those neurons or even add doses of the protein they 're failing to make and you could theoretically restore appetite balance .
